4 Great Tips to Lower Your Golf Score This Summer

4 Great Tips to Lower Your Golf Score This Summer

sports hand grip spray

The weather is finally nice, which means it's time to hit the links! 

Since you missed out on pretty much all of April, you're going to need to get out there a lot more to get your golf game back to normal. But this is the year you turn your normal game into a pretty darn good game -- and we're here to help. 

From sports hand grip spray to practicing putts from a realistic distance, it's time to lower your golf score this season -- and here's how to do it: 

  • Get to the driving range -- The only way to significantly improve your game is to regularly smack golf balls down the range. Even on days you're not planning on golfing, head to the driving range and hit a bucket or two.
  • Focus on your grip -- From your clubs to your glove, grip is an essential part of your golf game. You can take your clubs to any reputable pro shop and have them re-gripped, but don't stop there. Acquire some sports hand grip spray and apply it to your gloves to give you a much more steady swing.
  • Practice realistic puts -- The longest putt ever made traveled approximately 375 feet, which is incredible. But if you're serious about lowering your golf score this year, you need to practice realistic putts. Putts within four or five feet are what separates great golfers from bad ones. The good golfers make those puts on a consistent basis; the bad golfers miss them almost every time when they matter the most.
  • Pay attention to distance -- If you're 120 yards away from the pin, pay attention to what club you're using and if the ball travels the correct distance. If you're just randomly selecting clubs throughout your round, you'll never develop any consistency and various distances will give you problems. If your 8-iron gets you 120 yards, great, but if not, keep searching for a club that can get you there and then adjust accordingly.
If you're ready to start shooting better than ever before a finally turn those sevens and eights into fours and fives, give Grip Boost a call today and ask about high quality sports hand grip spray. 
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